To create consistency in the publication using the diversity of content available, we proposed turning pictures into illustrations. Along with consistency this also helped gain a storytelling value, triggering the imagination of the reader and making the book more visually engaging. The storytellers were also participants as they were featured with illustrated profile shots and highlighted quotes, talking about their experiences of the various ups and downs the company has gone through. The sections where a.s.r’s last 10 years of events unfold are interspersed with thematic inserts depicting subjects such as their art collection, support of sports, and the various milestones they have achieved through their real- state investment.
The use of a restrained color palette of pastel shades combined with black and white resonates with the light and airy exterior of the newly constructed a.s.r building. This product lends supports to the brand as well as the individuals working in it, making it a strong tool for the internal communication branch of the company.